Agrobit - Food Mood

The food-mood connection depends on the quality and quantity of the nutrients available in our food this will determine our emotional resiliency and stability. What we eat affects everything from our production of neurotransmitters and hormones to our energy levels and the quality of our synaptic connections, all of which can determine how well we respond to the stresses and demands of daily living.

Regulation on food traceability are gradually being implemented worldwide, traceability has become a major issue in the creation of modern food policies and that it is an issue that involves all actors in the food chain.

Agrobit Smartfarm is innovation. Agriculture management, logistics and agribusiness with predictive analytics, food traceability & internet of things. Automatic and easy to use with focus in to save cost, increase production and improve food safety with food traceability and environment protection.

keep your farm business RUN EASY with real time information. For cooperatives, enterprises and governments.

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